11/13: Latest COVID-19仪表板 update shows slight increase in active cases

随着病毒病例在全州和全国范围内的上升, students are urged to follow all public health guidance heading into final week of in-person learning

Students who have not yet done so are also being encouraged to sign up for departure testing, which the University is offering at no cost to students at all campus locations. Students can schedule departure testing now via the Return 首页 Event on the Penn State Go App or by visiting virusinfo.事业单位.edu/departure-testing.

来源:Chris Koleno

宾州大学公园. — Penn State released its preliminary 冠状病毒 testing results for the period of 11月. 6到12镑 COVID-19仪表板 今天(11月. 13). The University Park campus received 163 positive on-demand test results and eight positive random test results from student testing during the period of 11月. 6 to 12. 

截至11月. 12 at University Park, there are 319 active student cases, up from 275 at the last update on 11月. 10, and 4,009 students have completed their isolation period and are no longer active cases. There also are five new on-demand testing positive results among employees at University Park for the period of 11月. 6 to 12. 据信,这五起新员工案件之间没有关联, and the impacted individuals are self-isolating and close contacts are being identified through contact tracing. 

随着病毒病例在全州范围内持续上升, Penn State is cognizant that Mount Nittany Medical Center is seeing an increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations, and the University is monitoring the situation closely and in daily communication with the hospital regarding its capacity and inpatient numbers. 

本周晚些时候进行的测试仍在等待结果, which can take 48 hours or more and will be included in the dashboard update on Tuesday, 11月. 17.

10月当周的数据. 11月30日至11月. 5 also has been updated as additional test results came in and were validated. 仪表板, 当更新和发布新的数据, is only a snapshot at that one point in time and cannot be considered a final reporting as test results are still pending for the 11月. 6 ~ 12时间段.

University Park On-Demand Student Testing Positive Results by Week:

University Park On-Demand Student Testing Positive Results 11 13 2020


University Park Random Student Testing Positive Results 11 13 2020


自上周二(11月11日)最后一次更新以来. 10), the dashboard indicates new student testing results at the following campus locations:

  • 阿宾顿:11月11日期间随机检测呈阳性. 6 to 12 
  • Altoona: seven on-demand testing positives and one random testing positive for the period of 11月. 6 to 12
  • Behrend (Erie): nine on-demand testing positives and one random testing positive for the period of 11月. 6 to 12
  • 白兰地酒:11月11日期间按需检测呈阳性. 6 to 12
  • Harrisburg: one on-demand testing positive and two random testing positives for the period of 11月. 6 to 12
  • 黑兹尔顿:10月10日期间,一名按需检测呈阳性. 11月30日至11月. 5
  • 好时:10月11日随机检测1例呈阳性. 11月30日至11月. 5例,11月11日随机检测呈阳性1例. 6 to 12
  • 蒙特阿尔托:11月11日期间随机检测呈阳性. 6 to 12
  • Schuylkill: three on-demand testing positive for the period of 11月. 6 to 12

仪表板 also indicates the following new employee testing results at the following campus locations:

  • 阿宾顿:11月11日期间,一名按需检测呈阳性. 6 to 12
  • 贝伦德(伊利):11月11日期间随机检测阳性1例. 6 to 12
  • 迪金森定律:11月15日随机检测1例阳性. 6 to 12
  • 好时(Hershey): 10月期间有1名按需检测呈阳性. 23 to 29. 这个案例以前被错误地编码为一个学生案例. 
  • 蒙特阿尔托:11月11日期间随机检测呈阳性. 6 to 12

“As the numbers of COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the state and nation, 在我们的许多校园里,我们都看到了同样的趋势,Kelly Wolgast说, 欧博体育官网COVID-19运营控制中心主任. 还有一周的面对面课程, we must continue to be cautious and follow all public health guidelines for masking, 保持社交距离,避免大型聚会. 特别是, 而学生应该继续他们正常的课堂活动, we are advising that they self-quarantine as much as they can to reduce the risk of virus exposure before they return home next week.”

Students who have not yet done so are also being encouraged to sign up for departure testing, which the University is offering at no cost to students at all campus locations. Students can schedule departure testing now via the Return 首页 Event on the Penn State Go App or by visiting virusinfo.事业单位.edu/departure-testing.

所有检测呈阳性的学生将被隔离, 通过系统的大学联系追踪, close contacts of the infected individuals are being identified and 必须隔离14天 最后一次接触感染者的记录.

Students who are concerned about COVID-19 exposure or who are experiencing symptoms are urged to utilize the University’s health care resources to seek out testing and facilitate contact tracing. At University Park, students can make appointments with University Health Services by using myUHS 在线. Other UHS COVID-19 related services can be located on the UHS website at http://studentaffairs.agogoo.net/health. 联邦校园的学生应该联系他们的 校园卫生保健服务. Those with questions about all other COVID-19 topics should call the Penn State COVID-19 Response Center at 814-865-2121.

Penn State experts are continuing to track current trends and continuously monitoring local, 州和国家疾病数据. The University is working closely with officials from the 宾西法尼亚 Departments of Education and Health, 以及当地的公共和私人组织, to carefully monitor the prevalence of 冠状病毒 in Centre County to determine if the virus is moving from the campus community to the local community and, 如果是这样的话, 制定减轻此类传播的战略.

继续在校学习, 整个秋季学期的工作和其他活动, 至关重要的是,学生, faculty and staff at all campuses and in adjacent communities do their part to limit the spread of COVID-19 — and support the effort to “要么戴上面具,要么打包走人.“大学敦促大家继续戴口罩, 保持社交距离,避免聚会.

For the latest updates and information on Penn State’s response to the 冠状病毒 pandemic, 包括 常见问题 以及针对学生、教职员工的具体欧博官网app下载,请访问 virusinfo.事业单位.edu.